Medieval Festival 2023 - European Heritage Days.
The Château de Montreuil Bonnin is a major witness to the history of Poitou. The preservation and enhancement of the heritage that constitutes this private historic monument involves on the one hand the efforts made by the owners to restore the monument but also through actions of a cultural and intangible nature aimed at making the castle known and valued. in its environment.
It is in this spirit that the Association of Friends of the Château de Montreuil Bonnin was created.
The aim is to bring together all goodwill in order to encourage the organization of cultural and festive events at the castle, participation in heritage days, the organization of guided tours by volunteers, etc.
Associative projects can also be organized when the work is within our reach and professionals are there to advise us.
It is also about allowing public authorities, first and foremost the Montreuil-Bonnin Town Hall, administrative authorities, tourism and media stakeholders and the public to have a different and complementary contact person from the owners.
About the association:
The Association of Friends of the Château de Montreuil-Bonnin (AACMB) is a 1901 law association whose statutes were registered at the Vienne prefecture on January 20, 2014 (JO of February 8, 2014). The current president is Madame Caroline Philippe. The treasurer is Madame Marie-George de Samie.
Membership form to download, print and return to the following address:
Association of Friends of Montreuil-Bonnin Castle,
At Madame Marie-Françoise Dupuis,
8 rue du château
F-86470 Montreuil-Bonnin
or by email to
Tel: 06 45 10 65 04
Join online
3 recurring annual events organized by the Association of Friends of the Château de Montreuil Bonnin:
Medieval Festival 2023 - European Heritage Days.
Beautiful evening during which the legend of Melusine ends where the history of the castle begins